LIFETIME – Illusion of freedom
© Ivan Cangelosi, 2022
100 X 100 cm
Ink on paper
Technique – Handwriting of the book “Il fu Mattia Pascal”” by Luigi Pirandello
The subject depicted in this painting symbolizes, in its central part, the various phases of a person’s life: childhood (the little man in white), adolescence (in green) and so on. The wings of the figure (it resembles a butterfly) are composed of intertwined colored squares: they symbolize the various experiences that man has during his life and which determine him in terms of personality and character. The intertwining is inextricable: the experiences are linked together, in the sense that all together, as a whole, they constitute the experience of man. It is a network or, in other words, a past, from which we cannot free ourselves, even when we decide to do so, as Luigi Pirandello with his Mattia Pascal suggests.